Welcome to Daydawn Nurseries

including Creative Plant Supplies

Your local plant suppliers in the South East of England

Daydawn Nurseries and Creative Plant Supplies are wholesale only.

Daydawn Nursery hard shrubs

Daydawn Nurseries

Creative Plant Supplies customer order

Creative Plant Supplies

Please ask us for a quote

Our large range of plants allowing us to be able to fulfil most large landscape projects within a week.

Plants of Interest

To any of our customer that are planning to visit, there is currently a road closure on Station Road A3046.  This is the main road that leads to our entrance, if approaching from Woking continue past the closure signs and you will be able to gain access as normal. From the Chobham side you will need to turn left onto Sandpit Hall Road and then turn right on to Philpot Lane, this will bring you back to the A3046 from the opposite direction, as if you were coming from Woking.

We do have a great selection of colourful spring shrubs available as shown opposite, so please call or pay us a visit.

Euphorbia Ascot Rainbow
Berberis in variety
Exochorda The Bride
Kerria Plenniflora
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